13 Small Lifestyle Changes To Help With Anxiety
More often than not, when I meet someone who's having challenges with anxiety (symptom), it leads us to discovering some baggage they’re carrying that hasn’t really been addressed (root cause). Instead, it’s been shoved down, locked up, decorated with colorful facades and stories, or morphed into something else in hopes to leave no remanence of it’s previous state.
But please hear me.
What’s repressed will eventually need to be addressed.
We often look for a miracle cure (yes! Tried yoga, essential oils, vitamins, shakes, and CBD— thanks for asking!)
Perhaps in a subtle way to avoid looking at the deep truth-
There are day to day changes and choices that you're going to have to make, and they’re going to have to be different than the choices you’ve made in the past.
These are things like looking at why you have trouble with boundaries or speaking up for yourself, but not just stopping there. Learning how to effectively communicate and practicing it over and over and over again. (Check out some of these books for some great reads to help you get started.) . Practicing in each of your interactions throughout the day, apologizing when you mess it up- because you will, and trying again. Taking a look at your habits (not your co-workers habits, or your neighbors, or your partners... yours) and how they're showing up and affecting other areas of your life. Being vulnerable, honest, and open with yourself.
And while yes, to truly address your anxiety there may be some deep work involved, there are also subtle, small changes you can incorporate into your daily life to help as well:
Turning Off Unnecessary Phone Notifications
Spending Less Time on Social Media/ Limiting Screen Time
Finding Something to Do With Your Hands (think art, crafting, knitting, playing an instrument, etc.)
Move Your Body (dance par-tayyy!)
Opening Up to Others About Your Anxiety
Starting a Mindfulness Practice
Mentor Someone In Something You’re Good At
Writing Down Your Schedule/ To-Do List (get that ish out of your brain!!)
Journaling (join my Inner Circle and grab a free 28 day journal HERE.)
Cutting Toxic People/ Things/ Habits Out of Your Life
Establishing a Bedtime Routine
Establishing A Morning Routine/ Time To Plan Your Day
Practicing Gratitude
It’s also important to note that no matter what type of work you’re doing to improve your anxiety, it may still happen, and when it does, it doesn’t mean you didn’t “try hard enough.” 🖤
Is there a small change that’s made a huge impact on your anxiety? Tell us about it in the comments below.
Coach Reita
Hi, I’m Reita and I'm here to support you in increasing your confidence, living your best life, and being the best version of you. I specialize in coaching for your whole self (your body, mind, brain and spirit) including emotional health, stress management, personal development, resiliency, change groundwork, and self care.