3 Effective ways to add more time to your day
Perhaps it’s our nurturing ways or perhaps because we’re used to wearing so many hats, as women we sometimes fall into the trap losing ourselves to others. We're the maid, the chef, the chauffeur, the wife, the mom, the personal assistant, the therapist....the list seems endless. Somehow we seem to juggle it all so perfectly and yet, too often we'll get to the end of the day with low energy and little room for ourselves.
There's no room to do the things we used to love doing before the responsibilities of life took over.
There's no room or energy to read that book or watch that movie we've been dying to see.
There's no room or energy to devote to loving on ourselves because we're just so dang tired.
We're also pretty good at rationalizing why we can't take time to fill our own cup. The laundry needs to be done. Food needs to be bought and prepared. Projects finished.... again, another endless list.
Or maybe deep down inside, we don't feel we deserve it because of our choice to be a mother, wife, entrepreneur, care giver, fill in the bank...
We convince ourselves that in order to achieve what we want to achieve, we have to do it all on our own. Here's the problem with that, my Friend. It leads us down a path of resentment, overwhelm and burnout. One step forward and two steps back.
I know because I've been down that road and I know it very well. The best way to travel that path is to let go and lighten the load. And then there's that hurdle...the hurdle of letting go, which feels easier said than done at times.
Here's three effective ways I found to ease me through the process of letting go to create more....
Create Awareness
Make a list of everything that needs to be done. Chores and errands you feel responsible for. The things ping ponging around in your head that you've yet to write down. The projects that you've started but haven't quite finished yet. Creating awareness of all that's on your plate is key to being able to free up your time.
Look at the list with fresh eyes and ask yourself:
What can you delete?
What can you delegate?
What really isn't that important and can go on a someday/maybe list?
Ask for what you need
I totally get how hard delegating and asking for help can be but what I've learned is that most people are more than willing to lend a hand if you just ask. Circle what you'd like to delegate, write down who you will ask, when you'd like the task to be finished and as Nike says, just do it. Asking for help doesn't mean you're less than, it actually makes you a better person because you're less stressed and overwhelmed and it gives others a chance to support you and empower themselves. You'd be surprised at who's rooting for your success.
Delay the unnecessary
Listen, do you really need to re-arrange that closest for the umpteenth time? Do you really need to answer that email at 8pm or can it wait until tomorrow? Our tendency is to try to cram as much into the day as possible and we don't realize how much of it really, truly is unnecessary. Delaying a few things for tomorrow or even someday gives us the opportunity to slow it down, be more present and it's in those moments we find more time for ourselves.
As hard as it may be, letting go not only frees up your time, it allows you to live a more beautiful and peaceful life. It empowers others. It creates more balance. It allows you to be more present.
If nothing more, I want you to know it is possible to stop wearing all the hats and doing all the things. ♥
Over to you...
Share in the comments! How do you make time for you? If you haven't in awhile, whats one thing you can do just for you today?
Coach Reita
Hi, I’m Reita and I'm here to support you in increasing your confidence, living your best life, and being the best version of you. I specialize in coaching for your whole self (your body, mind, brain and spirit) including emotional health, stress management, personal development, resiliency, change groundwork, and self care.