The Side Effects Of Being "Too" Focused
“Just because you CAN BE Wonder Woman doesn’t mean you HAVE TO BE”
This is what I remember on those days I sit in the tub, completely depleted with nothing left to give. Have you been there? Those days where you were out rockin’ it all day and doin’ the damn thing. Checking things off the list. Gaining momentum as the fruits of your hard work start to show and you remind yourself “see, this is why I do it.” Those days you really feel like you were a rockstar and then as the day goes on you start to feel less and less like a bad ass and more and more like a cranky 5 year old that’s on the verge of a meltdown the next time someone breathe’s in your vicinity. Those days. When the depletion seems to hit you seemingly ‘out of no where’ but really you just had your blinders on and missed the signs and now your mood and energy levels have both shifted.
Welcome the the side effects of being “too” laser focused….I have those days too my friend. In fact, I had one today and here’s what these days gently remind me to ask myself:
How much water have I drank today?
What did I fuel my body with today?
How much time did I take out of my day today to do nothing? (Check out my favorite meditation app here. I logged 141 hours, 23 minutes and 15 seconds the last half of 2017… sanity saver)
When was the last time I put my phone down or closed my laptop?
What’s pending in the background of my brain that needs to be addressed? (I’m a fan big of the Artist Way journaling to bring to light subconscious thoughts, check it out on my book list)
What emotions have I been holding onto that I need to address and/ or released?
What’s the one thing I need right now in this moment?
I can’t say these questions will give you everything you need but it’s a good starting place to find some peace of mind and start to figure out what feels out of alignment and what your body + mind + spirit is craving. Sometimes it’s a simple adjustment like tonight of soaking in the tub then heading to bed early to get some rest. Sometimes it’s something deeper that I wasn’t aware of and it calls for more attention.
Whether you’re going into the new year with a lot or a little resolutions, goals and aspirations. Whether your only focus this year is to survive. Whether you haven’t even decided to acknowledge that it’s a new year yet. While everyone is reminding you to remember your why and end result, I want to offer you to a reminder to just be where you are. Be fully be there. Be present to it all and not so laser focused on one thing that you miss the other signs and nudges along the way.
Over to you...
What reminders are you brining into 2018? Share with us in the comments.
Coach Reita
Hi, I’m Reita and I'm here to support you in increasing your confidence, living your best life, and being the best version of you. I specialize in coaching for your whole self (your body, mind, brain and spirit) including emotional health, stress management, personal development, resiliency, change groundwork, and self care.