The Less Publicized Side of Growth
During those times when you’re ready to step forward, heal, change, grow, be the best you, be different, move past what was.. sometimes those involved in living and perpetuating the same cycles, the same experiences, the same lifestyle, the same beliefs we’re trying to change from may not be ready move in the same pace, manner or system.
This could look like placing blame, shame, aggression, gaslighting or manipulation. It could look like regression into old patterns or even worse patterns. It could look like sabotage, isolation or even being ousted from the tribe and often FEELS a whole lot worse. The confusion, the guilt, questioning your experience of your experiences or if you’re making the “right decision.”
These are the less publicized side effects of change, growth, deciding that you’re worthy and stepping into your power. The part where the top-down approach of having a “positive mindset” comes in handy yet provides little reassurance to the very real terror, stress and fear that change can create in our bodies as we navigate our world crumbling down to rebuild a new one.
If you know what I’m talking about, I hope that through this process, you remember these three things:
It is not ‘selfish’ for putting yourself, your wants, needs and desires to be a better person and live a better life first.
No one else is responsible for the life and quality of life you live but you. Make the choices that you need to make as soon as you can make them and continue to move towards what you want.
Do so with as much grace as possible but don’t use grace as an excuse to allow shitty behavior
Coach Reita
Hi, it's Reita and I'm here to support you in increasing your confidence and living your best life. I specialize in one-on-one coaching for your whole self (your body, mind, brain and spirit) including emotional health, stress management, personal development, trauma processing, change groundwork and life skills.