Getting unstuck when you feel hopeless
Yesterday on Facebook, I shared on a few reasons we sometimes find ourselves stuck and what we can do to move forward and get back on the path. Today I want to share more on what we can do to shift when we find ourselves spiraling down that rabbit hole.
1. Make a decision. Making a decision on where we want to be and how we want to feel is the first step to getting there. It's just like having a roadmap. If we're feeling stuck and hopeless and don't want to feel that way anymore, decide to stop feeding into the disempowering stories we play on repeat in our heads. It doesn't mean they'll go away and we may not feel 100% sure in this moment that things will work out or we may still have work to do to truly gain confidence in our abilities and that's ok. Deciding to be loving + conscious of how you talk to yourself and how you choose to feel makes the process much easier and will drive your actions in a very different way.
2. Find evidence of possibly. A lot of times when we're feeling hopeless it's us being in our own heads and if you're anything like me, you're really good at being in your head and getting in your own way. When we start to make up stories like we're too old, it's too late, the odds are stacked against us, it's important to this really true? Maybe it is and maybe it isn't but what else is a possibility? Do your research and find evidence to prove yourself wrong. Find someone else that's done something similar to what you want to do, be, have or create. Dance in the possibility. Be open to what else could also be true.
3. Find support. Sometimes what holds us back is knowing that the people in our lives might not support or understand our decisions or changes we want to make and that can be pretty dang scary to feel like you're doing this alone. But you're not alone my Friend. Now more than ever there are so many communities of loving and supportive people that really truly want to see you succeed. Whether online, in your local community or maybe create your own group...your tribe is out there. Don't be afraid to open up and reach out.
There's all sorts of reasons, thoughts, beliefs and circumstances that can cause us to feel stuck in life or hopeless and I can't even begin to dive into each and every one, but what I've found is that when we take time to do these three things, we can find some glimmer of possibility to help us move forward.
Share in the comments, what do you that helps you when you’re feeling hopeless or ‘stuck’?
Coach Reita
Hi, I’m Reita and I'm here to support you in increasing your confidence, living your best life, and being the best version of you. I specialize in coaching for your whole self (your body, mind, brain and spirit) including emotional health, stress management, personal development, resiliency, change groundwork, and self care.