If you want more time + energy, you've got to do this first
This morning I was out back pruning the tomatoes - if you’re not familiar it’s basically removing the unnecessary stems and growth so that the plant could focus all its energy on the parts that are most important…creating the tomatoes- and I was thinking about how much plants remind me of us humans.
By giving the tomatoes some good ol’ fashioned TLC and helping it redirect and refocus it’s energy, it’s now able to grow taller, bigger and better than ever producing even juicier fruit than it would have had I left the unnecessary growth on. The same works in our lives. If we want more time and energy, we have to prune our tomatoes.
How often do we take time and cut off the dead leaves and branches we’ve been carrying around with us?
Whether it be old relationships that are no longer serving…perhaps we choose to give weight to time spent, the roll we want this person or this relationship to have in our lives or any number of the other things we hang on to in relationships. Old beliefs and habits that we’ve outgrown. Patterns in behavior that’s keeping us back. We’ve all had had those things in our lives that we know deep down in our hearts we need to assess and let go of. And it may not even be anything major, deep or earth shattering. Maybe it’s something simple. Whatever it is,
How long are you going to continue to lug this dead stuff around and stunt your growth?
In it’s simplest form, we have two choices. To continue to focus our attention on EVERYTHING, which means we then give all those things that are most important to us less energy and focus than they deserve. Or we can allow ourselves to trim off anything from our lives that’s unnecessary and focus our attention and energy on the things that are of utmost importance, watch the fruits of our labor blossom and fuel us even further.
Kids are out of school, there’s extra activities around town for the summer, extra time with family and friends, and not to mention it’s vacation season… where is there time to spend on unnecessary, non-serving, stressful stuff??? There just isn’t.
I invite you to think of one area in your life where you may have some dead branches that need to be cut and come up with one thing you can do to start the process before the week is over. Below is a list of different areas in our lives to help you with your brainstorm.
Family/ friends
Physical Environment
Mental Environment
Fun/ Recreation
Career/ Life Purpose
Coach Reita
Hi, I’m Reita and I'm here to support you in increasing your confidence, living your best life, and being the best version of you. I specialize in coaching for your whole self (your body, mind, brain and spirit) including emotional health, stress management, personal development, resiliency, change groundwork, and self care.